Liquid Yogurt...
Got up and had breakfast over at Tom's. Liquid yogurt with peaches. Yum!!! Really in the morning we let Tom do some errands and make some phone calls. I got to check my email and I didn't get the job @ OKCMOA. :-( I was pretty bummed. It's in God's hands though. I just wish I knew what He wants me to do.... ANYWAY!!! We laid around a bit until Tom called us down for lunch. We took a taxi to a new restaurant where the dumplings were gooood. While we were tere a fight between two waiters broke out. Dishes were broken and some hits were exchanged. Very interesting. I've never even seen that in the US. After we came back home for a few minutes before going to a place called Timu (sp?). This is where a minority group called the Hui live. They are Muslim. Some Arabic writing and several mosques. We actually got to go in TWO. Very special. Especially for me and Fran (we're women). The people stared at us a lot but were very friendly after we said ni hao and admired their kids.
Taxi ride is always and adventure. The Neil's taxi almost broke down in the middle of our drive. Eeeek! We went straight to another friend of Tom's and me his family. We went across the street to eat and had a good time. He asked a lot of questions about the US and Americans and we asked a lot of questions about China and the Chinese. It was a sweet time. We took taxis and on the way back we lost Tom's taxi but arrived safely back to the apartments. We always carry a business card from the apartments in case we do get split up and our driver doesn't speak English. The card is in English and Chinese. Our driver actually spoke a little English. Home to sleep at 10pm.
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